At DT Bedroom Design, our website has been designed to provide you with an enjoyable interactive experience, as well as to be as inclusive and accessible to everyone as possible. This page highlights what we have done to make our website accessible, and explains how to use these features. The links below can be used to navigate around this page.
On our site we have included features that are particularly useful for assistive technologies. We have included access keys to aid navigation, which are listed below. On this page there are a series of hidden intra-page links for users without style-sheets and users with assistive technologies to easily skip to any the added navigation. We have made our pages "device independent" and can be navigated by using a keyboard, mouse or combination of the two.
Many links have 'Title' attributes which describe the destination of the link. Wherever possible links are written to make sense out of context, so that you do not have to read the surrounding text to understand where the link will take you. On any page, identically-worded links will always link to the same page. You will always be warned if clicking on a link opens a file or website in a new browser window.
All images in our website have an alternative text (ALT) attribute, this describes the contents or function of the image. This description will be displayed when images are turned off, on a text-only browser or as a 'tool tip' in certain browsers when the mouse pointer is moved over the image. Where images have been used as backgrounds, we have used a hidden text based description which can be read by assistive technologies and displayed by text only browsers.
Our website has been designed to look great, to reflect our professional attitude towards our customers, and our brand values. We are proud to say that we have considered accessibility and usability during the design of this website to make it easier for everyone to use. Our website uses relative font sizes which can be resized in your browser (although this may change the layout).
Where colours are used we have tried to make sure there is a good degree of contrast between foreground and background items.
If your browser or reading device does not support stylesheets, or you wish to switch them off, all of our content will still be readable. Any use of tables for tabular data or tabled structure has been apprpriately marked-up for assistive technologies. All areas of content have been explained, and where we have used drop-down navigation, we have provided a landing page with these links on this page in case your browser does not support our menu.
This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for visual layout. If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the use of structured semantic markup ensures that the content of each page is still readable and clearly structured. If you wish, you may import your own stylesheet into this website. Select Internet Explorer select Tools, then Internet Options, and then Accessibility. Next click on any or all of 3 checkboxes to ignore colours, font styles or font sizes. In the same window you can change your style sheet by clicking the checkbox that says, 'format document using my style sheet' then simply browse to your style sheet and click OK. In Netscape select Edit, then Preferences and then Appearance. You will then be given the choice to specify your own colours and fonts. All forms follow a logical Tab sequence.
Labels are associated with fields using HTML label tags, (Changes of style sheets will change the layout of the page, however pages are formatted to be readable without style sheets). We have optimised our CSS for ie 6 and Mozilla firefox.
Below are a list of access keys designed to aid navigation around this site: